christine szeto PHOTOGRAPHY : BLOG

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Thursday, May 7, 2009

Happy MOTHER'S Day!

I'm a little early (when am I EVER early???) but I promised Dad that I would get this post up so he could surprise Mom with this sneak peek. And this Dad totally came through! He dressed the kids, brought them to the park, had them ready for a photo shoot---and then I sent him home for MORE clothes and he watched my stuff while I ran off to play with the kids. Mom, your kids are ADORABLE and so sweet. I love the relationship that they have with each other-you can just see the closeness in their willingness to hold hands and sit together and hug. You've trained them well (and your husband too. :) ) So many cute ones so instead of narrowing it down to 2 or 3, I thought I'd throw in my own little surprise and show a bunch.

She picked one flower for each member in her family.

Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. We do so many things and sometimes it's a thankless job, but when your child(ren) tell you that they love you the most and when you are the only one who can heal their ouchies or soothe their sorrows, it's all worth it. And how can I not love it when my son uses all my scotch tape to make me a mother's day card out of my scratch paper and my envelopes that were meant for the recycling bin? He also wrote in yellow pencil so I had a really hard time reading his cryptic message--but I love it all the same!

Phew...that was a long post-it was like a blogging workout (see my other wimpy posts and you'll know what I mean).


Unknown May 14, 2009 at 12:06 PM  

These are fabulous! Im sure mom loved them. You can really feel the love between the siblings, and the color and clarity is great!


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