christine szeto PHOTOGRAPHY : BLOG

...bigger and better...

Thursday, March 19, 2009

I'm still here...

**UPDATE: Thanks for the Apple tips! I've already started using some of them and finding them very helpful. This PROMO is now closed. Gift certs will be mailed soon!

Hi dear readers (I know you're out there)-where have I been? Well, I got myself a new computer AND a server and being non-technical but just geeky enough to be dangerous, I decided to set it up myself. As you can imagine, there was lots of trial and error and I actually froze the iMAC, which required a good ol' turn off/turn on reboot. But I think I'm in business with LOTS of thanks to my own personal tech support, Frank Chen. And to start things off, photos of our dear friends' brand new baby girl-#3 of 3.

And a PROMO (as promised). First 3 posters to give me an Apple tip (ideally one that is useful to me-a long-time PC User) will receive a gift certificate for $50 towards a photo session. Make sure you leave me some kind of contact info. And of course, there's fine print-the gift certificate can be used on a new booking only. If you aren't an Apple user, feel free to do a google search or pick the brains of an Apple user.
My gift certificates were designed by the talented Christine Wong. (I love my friends!)


BLOG March 20, 2009 at 9:19 AM  

I did miss you! Glad to hear you're up and running again. I am saving up for a mac, I'll be saving up for a while though ;)

A mac tip I used a lot that was really helpful was F9, which shows you a thumbnail of every window you have open. Then you can choose which window you want.

I was doing some research and But try it and see if it works!

Have fun with your new MAC!


BLOG March 20, 2009 at 9:21 AM  

haha. my username is blog because this email is connected to the blog website we have on blogger. so cool, i know.

purplehairgirl March 20, 2009 at 1:45 PM  

Hey Christine,
I have tons of apple tips (so if u want more, just email me) but here's one I use alot:
To take a picture of your screen or any quick snapshot of what's on your monitor type this:
Apple (also known as the cmd button) + shift + 3 this will take a snapshot of the entire screen
Apple + shift + 4 will turn the cursor into a crosshatch which you can drag around any area you want a quick snapshot.
All images will default and save to your desktop labled picture1, etc.

Have fun w/ it!

Little Big Mac's Mommy March 22, 2009 at 1:15 AM  

I'm all about the shortcut keys. Here's a list of the Mac shortcut keys.

The kids turn your Mac into a weird state again?


eoiwa March 24, 2009 at 1:56 PM  

Christine thanks for asking for mac help.. you know if you need anything let me know.. ;-P I can try to help you purchase with a discount


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